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Public institution in the field of health for the needs of public health institutions university clinics, institute and emergency center Skopje
The public institution in the field of healthcare for the needs of public health institutions university clinics, institute and emergency centre Skopje was established in 2007, after the division of the Public Health Institution-University Clinical Centre-Skopje.
The activity of the Public Institution is to perform works and services of common interest for the public health institutions, university clinics, the institution and the emergency centre that resulted from the division of the Public Health Institution-University Clinical Centre-Skopje.
As a work of common interest is seen the performance of works and services in the area of central sterilization, commercial-pharmaceutical works, nutrition of the sick, telephone central, maintenance of free areas, organization during collection, transport and disposal of communal and medical waste, computer- IT works, works for securing and protecting property and persons, the use and maintenance of the parking space, medicine purchases, medical material, small inventory, equipment, medical aids, etc. which independently based on their own decision and public tender, in accordance with the Law on Public Procurement, are performed by the Public Health Institutions University clinics, Institute and Emergency Centre created by the division of the Public Health Institution University Clinical Centre-Skopje, if the public health institutions university clinics, institute and emergency centre made a decision to join together in certain public procurements and other common works for the needs of public health institutions university clinics, institute and emergency centre.
The Public Institution performs the works and services for entities that used these services before the division of the Public Health Institution University Clinical Centre - Skopje or are located within the scope of the Public Health Institution University Clinical Centre - Skopje.
The work of the Public Institution is provided on the basis of concluded agreements which regulate the mutual relations between the Public Institution and the entities that use the services, and in particular the scope and type of the service, the method and deadlines for its performance, the price of the service, the method of payment as well as the rights and obligations of both parties arising from that agreement.